Mo | 21 Apr. | Closed: Easter Monday |
Sa | 26 Apr. | Closed: King's Day |
Mo | 5 May | Closed: Liberation Day |
Th | 29 May | Closed: Ascension Day |
Mo | 9 June | Closed: Whit Monday |
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Scale 1 : 72
Publisher/Brand Stropdecal
Version Laserprint
Category Scale Modelling Kits
Subcategory Scale Modelling Kits » Decals
Availability Temporarily Out of Stock.
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This product was added to our database on Monday 24 March 2025.
Your reliable Aircraft Modelling Source since 1989
Mind: this item is a decal sheet that serves to decorate a scalemodel. The scalemodel is not included and needs to be ordered separately.
Stropdecal is the hobby of a Belgian modeller who love to make his own decals and sells them at modelshows.
The laserprinted decals are accompanied bij useful instructions with colour pictures as well as info.
Enough markings for 4 different colourful Belgian Thunderstreaks
Markings for:
23sq Z6
27sq RA
31sq 8S
Two sheets included
Roundels, whie and black FU serials also included